It has taken some time to ponder all sides of the issue, but finally I have made up my mind on a big business decision. I am definitely feeling lighter with this weight of pondering lifted from my shoulders. Now to implement the change and announce it to everyone some time there after.
I vomited Ebi sushi in a public parking lot earlier. It was, as you can likely imagine, just a tab bit embarrassing. My body temperature was too hot, I had been queasy for hours and I knew it was going to happen. With no where to turn, I put my bags and purse down and proceeded to upchuck three times.
Imagine my horror when two different people approached to ask if I was ok. What to say at a time like this. Oh yes, I am fine, and please don't step in my puke, or I'll be mortified. Thank you for checking on me. Holding my own hair back and stating pregnancy nauseousness was enough to send one man on his way, but the second woman really wanted to assist me. It was quite sweet, but the last thing I want when vomiting is someone helping me.
Today was a first, I went and bought baby stuff, all in greens, oranges and yellows. I found some of the cutest stuff imaginable, and all in new born size. Then I came home and promptly fell asleep in a deep much needed nap.